It’s one thing for me to tell you about the great work that has happened with my past clients, it’s another thing for them to tell you their own stories and experience in being in conversation with me. 

On this page, you’ll find testimonials of clients that have been in a long-term coaching relationship with me. You’ll get to hear about both the experiences and benefits they gained by taking the leap into either private or group coaching.

Want to experience the extraordinary power of coaching in your life?

Will Russ

Kevin Caserias

Jay Payson

Piotr Wojtlya – 6 Months

Sarad Dhungel – 1 Year

Jesse Lauruhn

Jason Peterson – 9 Months

David York – 4 Months

Clint Erickson

Jared Ganem

Jason Peterson – 6 Months

Sarad Dhungel

Jonathan Medina

“My life situation after the coaching program has been excellent. I found myself in places where I can fulfill myself, fulfill my needs, my purpose and get out of my comfort zone. I’m in a place where I can truly evaluate my expressions and feelings. I can say anything on what I want to say in the moment.”

Gary Austin

“The biggest win was seeing my business grow and expand. It seemed like it was growing week by week in the time that I worked with Andrew. My world has kind of expanded and opportunities have been coming my way.”

Joe D’Eramo

“I’ve got to believe that a lot of my work towards myself has resulted in several key things happening to me. I’ve landed some new accounts at work and I’ve been receiving some praise and compliments from clients who don’t ordinarily give compliments.”

Ron Moreland

“Where I’m at now, I couldn’t have imagined five or six months ago. The resiliency that I had, has almost doubled and my mindset has completely changed. My ability to adapt and be open to new things, as well as let go of the things in the past that bothered me is amazing.”

Kevin Jenkins

“I like the way that Andrew was able to adapt to my personality and make changes to things based on how I was responding and the needs that I had at any particular time. I thought it was important that he was willing to be available as much as possible to respond to questions I had or the difficulties I was having. He also wanted to be a part of any positive moments that I had as well and gave me props for that too. He did so in a way that was professional and you could tell he wanted me to succeed.”

Dana Houser

“Andrew helped me organize the activities I needed to get done and helped me prioritize them so I wasn’t trying to do 50,000 things at once… He puts a lot of thought and effort into it and keeps checking in with you, even outside the coaching calls which was a plus. He really cared about what he was doing and wants to get you results. So if you are looking for a coach that cares and wants to help you get results, I’d say he is your man”

Kent Sanders

“Andrew was able to maintain a great balance between pushing me, but also listening as I processed the things that I was thinking and feeling during our coaching process. Honestly, I really can’t say enough about how Andrew helped me to get clarity on my personal and business goals. Now I can really move forward into a new season with a lot more confidence, clarity and direction for my life and my business”